eISSN: 2733-90284 / pISSN: 2005/5331

베트남연구, Vol.20 no.2 (2022)

DOI : 10.31535/VS.2022.20.2.171

- 베트남 리 왕조시기 탕롱(昇龍)과 도성의례 -


(한국외국어대학교 인문대학 사학과 교수.)

이 논문은 도성 공간에서 거행된 국가의례를 중심으로, 탕롱의 의례도 시적 성격과 리 왕조가 지향했던 통치이념의 점진적인 변화과정을 추적해 보았다. 리 왕조는 불교세력의 열성적인 지지를 받으며 건립되었기 때문 에, 불교의례가 국가차원에서 적극적으로 도입되었다. 국가가 위기에 처할 때는 궁성의 중심에 위치한 용지광장에서 ‘인왕회’ 등을 거행하며 국태민 안을 기구하였다. 지역신앙도 국가의례의 일환으로 채택되었다. 특히 용지 에서 거행된 동고산신 의례는 지방 세력들이 황권에 대한 충성을 주기적으 로 맹서하는 의례로서 그 위상을 확고히 했다. 리 왕조는 탕롱 천도를 통해서 당초 고변이 건립한 방형 성곽도시를 계승하였고, 도성의 기본 구조와 전각 명칭도 중국식 도성제도를 모방했지 만, 도성 구획의 기준이 되는 기념비적인 건축물은 전통적인 ‘좌조우사(左 祖右社)의 구도 대신에, 불사와 도관을 선택하였다. 하지만 향후 탕롱정권 은 당송시기의 전통 도성의례를 점진적으로 수용하였다. 태묘는 황제가 친 정이후 포로를 바치는 개선의례로, 탄일행사는 황권을 선양하는 의례로 활 용되었다. 리 왕조의 황제들이 적극적인 관심을 표출한 의례는 성경, 성렴 등 농업의례였다. 인종이후에는 도성에 문묘가 설립되었고 공자와 유교 선 현을 제향하는 석전례도 거행되었다. 리 왕조 시대는 불교의 정치적 영향력이 지대한 시기였지만, 적어도 의례상에 있어서는 유교화 추세가 점진적으로 강화되고 있었다.

The Capital ‘Tanglong(昇龍)’ and its State Ritual in Vietnam Ly Dynasty(1010-1225)

Kim Sang-bum

The Ly Dynasty, which lasted for a long time for the first time in Vietnam's history, moved its Capital City to Tanglong immediately after the founding, the central city of the Red River Delta, which was greatly influenced by Chinese culture. The Ly Dynasty was established with the enthusiastic support of the Buddhist faction. For this reason, the Ly Dynasty built Buddhist temples in key locations in the capital and actively encouraged Buddhist rituals. When there were important political or imperial events of the state, Buddhist ceremonies were held at the central square of the palace under the leadership of the government and the imperial family. The government of the Ly Dynasty strengthened its control over the provinces while simultaneously suppressing and embracing. While actively promoting military expeditions and innovation of the governing system, the government accepted regional rites with strong folk religious characteristics as part of State Ritual. In particular, God of the Mount Donggo(銅鼓山神) rite, held in the central square of the palace, became a State Ritual in which local powers pledged their allegiance to the emperor regularly. The Ly Dynasty built a rectangular Chinese-style castle town in Tanglong, and the basic structure of the city and the names of the buildings also imitated the Chinese-style palace. The State Rituals held in and around the palace were also focused on Buddhist rituals in the beginning, but gradually the traditional rituals of the Tang-Song Period capital were selectively accepted and utilized. Imperial Ancestral Temple was used as a triumphal rite by the emperor to offer prisoners after military expeditions. The birthday of the emperor was used as a ceremony to enhance the power of the emperor through a banquet and awards held in the central square of the palace. Agricultural ritual was the rites that the emperors of the Ly Dynasty showed the most active interest among the traditional State Rituals. Emperors actively participated in sowing and harvesting ceremonies, encouraged agricultural production and expressed interest in the lives of the people. After King Injong period, the civil service examinations began, albeit in a limited way, and Confucius Temple, which offered sacrifices to Confucian gods, was also established in the capital. Although Buddhism still had a great influence as a governing ideology during the Ly Dynasty, but a new change was emerging in the State Rituals held in the Capital Tanglong, gradually becoming Confucian-based.

다운로드 리스트